Magnesium For Weight Loss

Are you struggling with your weight? Do you often gaze at passers-by, hoping some day you too would be thin? You will be surprised to know that intake of magnesium can help you regulate weight efficiently.


Obesity is among the major menaces the medical community and health experts together are fighting worldwide. Excess weight not only mars your appearance, but also leads to the occurrence of several serious ailments in the long run. You need to be careful while resorting to diets tailor-made for weight loss. An apparently balanced diet may not help you lose weight at times. If you analyze the diet carefully, you may discover that it is lacking some of the essential nutrients required for shedding excess flab.

Magnesium To Lose Weight – Its Role In Health And Fighting Obesity:

There are several minerals required by the human body for sustenance, and magnesium is a prime example. It gets stored in bones, cells and organs in your body. Magnesium plays a pivotal role in helping the body function properly. It even helps organs like the kidney in working properly. When magnesium is absorbed by the body, other key nutrients and minerals like potassium, vitamin D and zinc also get absorbed. Its role in augmenting heart health has been indicated by a number of studies. Along with proper exercise and eating habits, this mineral can facilitate your weight loss.

How Consuming Magnesium Can Help You Lose Weight?

Magnesium For Lose Weight

You need to get your facts clear – magnesium is no magic potion or miracle pill that will make you slim within a week or so. However, you can eat magnesium-rich foods that can help your body in burning fat easily. It helps in fighting obesity in several ways.
  • Studies have indicated that magnesium intake on a regular basis can enhance the testosterone levels in the human body. This hormone, in turn, reduces the fat levels and augments lean muscle mass in the body. This helps you shed pounds in the long run.
  • Magnesium helps insulin to usher glucose into body cells, and glucose generates energy. When magnesium intake is affected, insulin and glucose levels shoot up in your body. The excess amount of glucose is converted into fat, resulting in obesity.
  • Eating magnesium-rich foods can enhance the rate of metabolism and improve the resultant fat burning in the human body. It helps develop enzymes in your body that enable cells to break insulin down. If your body does not get enough magnesium, the cells cannot work on insulin as desired. This is burnt by the body to obtain energy. When the body fails to burn energy, fat starts to accumulate. So, you can see that inadequate intake of magnesium can actually lead to weight gain.
  • Magnesium deficiency may also pave the way for insulin resistance, which may lead to diabetes. When your body cannot process the nutrients eaten, it results in food cravings. There is no need to explain how binge eating leads to weight gain! Magnesium helps fight food cravings.
  • Magnesium’s Fights Stress And Results In Weight Loss:
  • Just like calcium, magnesium keeps the human nervous system functioning properly. These two minerals, when absorbed by the body, help regulate the mechanism of the nervous system.
  • Studies have indicated that magnesium intake helps people fight the impact of stress on the nervous system. It regulates the flow of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline that are required to cope with stress. Cortisol, secreted in response to elevated stress, initiates a survival mode in the human body when fat storage gets a boost. With magnesium, this can be kept within safe limits, and you can fight weight gain better.

Magnesium-Rich Foods:

Consuming magnesium rich foods is also a big source of magnesium. You can find magnesium in a lot of foods. The main sources of magnesium-rich foods are:
  1. Green vegetables like spinach
  2. Soybeans
  3. Nuts (nearly all types)
  4. Potatoes
  5. Oatmeal
  6. Lentils
  7. Beans
  8. Fishes like mackerel and tuna
  9. Avocados
  10. Bananas

Mind The Calories:

Though eating magnesium-rich foods can be helpful for weight loss and offers many other health benefits, you need to consume them wisely. When you want to shed pounds, eating low-calorie foods helps a lot. So, you can opt for non-flavored yogurt, spinach and halibut.

Take Supplements:

At times, you may find that just eating these foods does not suffice your requirement of magnesium. This can be caused due to hectic schedules, lack of time to get home and cook meals, etc. In such situations, you can opt for magnesium-rich supplements. There are plenty of health supplements in the form of powder and pills that contain magnesium. However, ensure you choose the right supplement. For best results, choose one that has both calcium and magnesium. It will result in both minerals getting absorbed by the body and working as desired.

Points Of Concern:

Magnesium does not have serious side effects in humans in most cases. However, some people may suffer from stomach problems and nausea. However, people suffering from kidney ailments should not take magnesium, except when they are advised by doctors.

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