Brown Rice For Weight Loss

Is weight loss on your mind for as long as you can remember? You will agree that no matter how hard you try, you just cannot fit into those jeans that you once so loved. Today, weight gain has become a growing concern even to those who lead active lives.

So, what is the best way to stay in shape and lose that extra flab, you ask. We say, Brown Rice.

Why Include Brown Rice In Your Diet - Benefits Of Brown Rice

A lot of people, especially weight loss aspirants, are skeptical about including rice in their meals. They tend to think that eating rice on a regular basis boosts carb intake and slows down fat burning. However, Brown rice is lower in calories, and it does come with several nutritional benefits.

Brown Rice Nutrition

A half-cup serving of Brown rice offers 110 calories, and you get fiber and protein too. The rice also has nutrients like iron, zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. So, you should include it in meals for overall health benefits as well.

Benefits Of Brown Rice For Weight Loss

Brown rice is no miracle food that will make you drastically slim in a week, but eating this while following healthy lifestyle habits and exercising will help you lose weight faster. Below listed are the reasons you should consider Brown rice for weight loss.

1. Low In Density:

This basically means Brown rice keeps you full without filling you with excess calories. The fiber makes Brown rice low in energy density. So, you may feel full by eating less amount of Brown rice. Eating it at the beginning of meals can make you feel less hungry eventually.

2. Fiber-Rich Food:

There is no denying the role of fiber in the digestion process. Fiber in Brown rice facilitates bowel movements and helps eliminate toxins from the body in the process. It also boosts your body’s natural metabolism in a way. This is ideal for obese individuals on a weight loss mission.

3. Releases Sugar Into The Bloodstream Slowly:

Eating Brown rice aids in regulating blood sugar levels in the blood stream. This is not only beneficial for those with diabetes, but also for others as well. Since it releases sugar gradually, your body can process it slowly. This helps maintain insulin production in the body at the desired levels. You can keep the risk of diabetes at bay by eating Brown rice regularly.

4. Replete With Selenium:

Selenium is one essential mineral required by the human body. It helps in boosting your body’s immune system. Selenium, thereby, protects your body from several ailments. This is essential when you switch to a new diet for losing flab. Many obese individuals feel weak when they adapt to a new diet.

5. Whole Grain Benefits:

Brown rice is whole grain, and hence it offers more nutritional benefits than white rice. In one 2008 study published by the venerable ‘American Journal of Clinical Nutrition’, it was shown how people eating Brown rice based meals help obese people lose fat faster than those eating white rice. It offers no cholesterol and contains a good amount of magnesium – a key mineral. So, when it aids you lose flab, your body is not deprived of major nutrients.

How To Use Brown Rice For Weight Loss:

You can use Brown rice in a number of ways. On its own, it tastes nice and has an enticing flavor. However, you can use it with various vegetables and meat based dishes as well. Below listed are a few useful tips to use and cook Brown rice properly.

  1. You should soak Brown rice overnight as this makes the rice softer and easier to digest. It can definitely be cooked without soaking though.
  2. Before cooking soaked Brown rice, you should drain the water. You should ideally eat the rice in both lunch and dinner.
  3. You can be a little experimental and creative while cooking Brown rice. Apart from cooking the rice normally, you may use a few herbs and spices at times. It helps enhance the taste as well as augments the nutritional benefits. There are many such recipes you can find online nowadays. Try cooking the rice with herbs and spices like coriander, turmeric, ginger, and chilli. You may also garnish the rice with fresh parsley and spring onions before serving hot.
  4. Nearly everyone has the craving for carbohydrates, and weight loss aspirants are no exception to this. Instead of loading your body with foods like potatoes and bread that add to your waistline, enjoy Brown rice to satiate carb craving!
  5. To avoid cooking rice that sticks to the bottom of the pan, take a large pan and use a small amount of salt in water.

Brown Rice Recipes For Weight Loss

Below listed are two yummy brown rice recipes for weight loss:

Brown Rice Recipes

1. Brown Rice Recipe With Apple, Tomatoes, And Celery:


  • 1 cup of Brown rice
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • 10 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 stalk celery
  • Apple slices

Preparation Method:

  1. Cook the rice first in the usual way.
  2. Then mix with chopped apple, sliced tomatoes and celery in a big bowl.
  3. Add some salt and sprinkle lime juice into the rice.
  4. Mix everything well and serve hot.

2. Brown Rice With Avocado And Tomato Recipe:


  • 2 cups of Brown rice
  • Cilantro sprigs
  • Avocado
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic cloves, minced

Preparation Method:

  1. Cook the Brown rice normally.
  2. Drain the water and then mix with all other ingredients.
  3. Serve it hot in bowls.


Brown rice is no weight loss pill, but consuming it while following an active lifestyle will help you shed those pounds easily. Its nutrient quotient also helps you stay fit and boosts immunity levels. You can prepare it with so many herbs and produce to make nutritious and tasty dishes at home.

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