Honey For Weight Loss

Honey is full of sweet goodness. It offers a healthy and delicious sweetness, if you add it to your drinks and food. In order to keep yourself fit and achieve a svelte body frame, a spoon of honey a day could offer you wonders.

You can consume a teaspoon of raw honey a day or else you can try something different by mixing it in beverages and desserts. However, the best way of consuming honey is by mixing it in warm water.

Honey And Warm Water For Weight Loss

A combination of honey mixed with warm water can help you shed the extra pounds of weight to make you fit into your favorite pair of skinny jeans. At the same time, it also ensures maintaining the calorie content of your body. It removes harmful toxins from the body.

Honey And Weight Loss:

No matter how hard we try, we just cannot get enough of sugar a day. However, honey can provide the following benefits while also giving you a fix of something sweet:
  • Honey can give your taste buds a sweet relief while also ensuring that you avoid empty calories by controlling your cravings for unhealthy food.
  • Substituting sugar for honey can help you cut down around 63% of calories.
  • Honey and warm water can help breakdown food particles in the body, especially when consumed in the morning.
  • The honey-warm water mixture will also help wash away the unwanted toxins from your system.
  • You will also experience an energy boost after having a glass of this mixture, thereby increasing metabolism.

How To Use Honey For Weight Loss? 

How To Make Honey And Water Mixture:

Here is how you can make honey and water mixture. You should drink this in the morning after waking up:

Step 1: Boil water for up to 5 minutes without making it too hot to handle.
Step 2: Strain the water into a glass to remove impurities from the water.
Step 3: Add 1-2 teaspoons of honey according to the doses.
Step 4: Stir well and then drink.

How To Drink Honey With Warm Water?

The more water added to this mixture will help you lose weight faster. The more weight that you can shed will also ensure that your kidneys work better by removing the excess water.

Here Is How You Can Drink Honey With Warm Water:

  1. You should definitely have a glass of honey and warm water before and during the meals as it will help you feel full for a longer period of time. This will also ensure that you consume less food and lose weight in the bargain. An early morning glass of honey and warm water will help you reach your goal of losing weight faster.
  2. Instead of taking just a plain glass of warm water with honey, you can add a small teaspoon of lemon juice to the mixture. The combination of the sweetness of honey coupled with the citrus flavour of the lemon will make a refreshing drink with wholesome health benefits.
  3. Before taking breakfast in the morning, you can have a cup of hot tea sweetened with a dollop of honey. This mixture will help improve your appetite. It will ensure that you do not suffer from sugar spikes during the course of the day.
  4. Instead of adding plain warm water to honey, you can always experiment by adding a tablespoon of cinnamon to the mixture in the glass. This will not only help you lose weight but will also offer a fresh aroma to your breath.

Other – Uses Of Honey

We already know that honey can be added to warm water to help with weight loss. However, here are some other alternative ways to use honey:
  1. Cut an apple into slices and then dip it in honey. It provides fibre, which helps increase the energy levels in your body.
  2. If you want a quick treat before heading out for the day, slice an apple. Then sprinkle a few tablespoons of honey and a dash of cinnamon powder on it.
  3. You could also try agranola and honey combination as it serves as a healthy breakfast option or evening snack. All you need to do is mix yogurt with a few spoons of honey, while also adding a couple of spoons of lemon juice, and half a cup of granola. This breakfast option is nutritious and rich in fibre, which will help you lose weight fast.
  4. You can always make things interesting by adding honey to chicken pieces before grilling it over a barbeque or open fire. This will give you a low-calorie caramelized grilled chicken that is also delicious.


Honey with warm water works effectively to lose weight, but at the same time you should be aware of some of the precaution while using it:
  • If you are suffering from diabetes, you should abstain from consuming honey because it is full of carbohydrates and can increase your blood sugar levels immediately.
  • While you can get benefit from the nutritional value of honey, there is always a flip side. Honey contains calories too, which could overpower the amount of nutrition it provides. Therefore, ensure to measure the amount of honey you add to warm water to regulate the calorie content.
  • While a glass of honey with water can help you lose weight to help you achieve your weight loss goals, an excessive amount could cause you problems. Therefore, exercise caution and try not to go overboard with the honey and warm water mixture.

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