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11 Best Home Remedies For Flawless Skin

Top 11 Home Remedies For Flawless Skin

Does your heart die a little every time you see that airbrushed model puckering her pink, glossy lips, and her skin looking as if it’s been specially manufactured at a shop that boasts of super-awesome skin? Join thousands of women if it does. Apart from a minuscule few, most of us make do with the not-so-perfect skin we have. And to make things worse, factors such as pollution, bad lifestyle choices, and stress only make things worse.

The skin is the largest organ in the body. The dermis and the epidermis are the two layers that make up our skin. The epidermis layer is the outermost layer of the skin, and utmost care has to be taken of it since this is the layer that is visible to all. It is not easy to maintain the outer layer, but there are certain home remedies and tips that can help us maintain the glow.

The skin has to be protected from pimples, sunburns, acne, and aging. It is very easy to obtain flawless skin without spending a fortune with simple tips and some home remedies. Face wash and creams available in the market give us a flawless and lustrous skin, but only for a few minutes. To ensure that our skin remains flawless and glowing for a long period of time, we have to dig deep and improve the dermis—the inner layer of the skin.

We share with you 10 homemade remedies to get flawless skin that will help transform your skin into the breathtaking vision you have in mind.

1. Sugar

Sugar acts as a good exfoliator for the skin. Mix equal quantities of white and brown sugar with a little water. Rub this mixture gently on the face for at least three to four minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. This not only exfoliates the skin but also leaves it glowing and youthful.

2. Raw Potato

Many people are unaware of the fact that potato is a natural home remedy for obtaining a glowing, fair, and flawless skin. Apply the juice of a raw potato on the face to make the skin glow, reduce pigmentation, and remove scars. After the juice dries out, wash your face with lukewarm water. It also helps in reducing sunburn and tan. Potato acts as a natural bleach for our skin.

3. Honey

Honey helps the skin glow and makes it flawless with time. For this, make a thick paste of honey and cinnamon powder. Apply on the face and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Clean your face with lukewarm water and watch it glow.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel leaves the skin flawless and reduces dark spots and scars. Cut an aloe vera leaf in the middle, extract the gel, and apply it on the face. You can also plant an aloe vera at home or buy a bottle of gel from a chemist store.

5. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has acidic properties and acts as a natural bleach for the skin. First, apply fresh lemon juice on the face. Then, rub the peels of the lemon on the face for at least five to seven minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water. This not only lightens the skin but also helps in making it look flawless, supple, and soft.

6. Paste of Tomato Juice, Curd, And Oatmeal

Mix tomato juice, curd, and oatmeal to make a paste. Apply it on the face and leave it for at least 15 minutes. Wash it off with cold water and see the results. This pack helps in brightening the skin and also reduces dark spots, scars, and blemishes. If the pack is applied on a regular basis, one can notice the difference in the skin pretty soon.

7. Sandalwood Paste

Rub a stick of sandalwood with the help of rose water on a stone. Apply on the face and leave it to dry. Keep it for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it off with cold water and see the difference. Try and use a sandalwood stick instead of ready made sandalwood powder as it gives better results. Use sandalwood powder only if you are sure about its authenticity, else it can be disastrous for the skin.

8. Papaya

Massage the face with the pulp of papaya at least once a week. Rub for 10 to 15 minutes and wash it off with cold water. It is one of the best natural remedies for flawless skin.

9. Tomato

Tomato has anti-aging properties and also acts as a sunscreen, especially during the hot summer months. An antioxidant, lycopene that is present in tomatoes helps in achieving a clear and flawless skin. You can eat them fresh or apply tomato paste on the face—the objective is to get it’s goodness into our body to get rid of open pores, pimples, and sunburn.

10. Egg Whites

Egg whites are excellent for skin tightening and pore reduction. Whip the egg whites until foamy, and then spread the liquid evenly onto your face. Allow it to dry, and then rinse it off after 10-15 minutes.

11. Raw Milk

Massage your face with raw milk in an upward motion for a few minutes and let it dry. Wash off with cold water after a couple of minutes. Raw milk helps to remove the tan and get a fresh glow.

With the help of these home remedies, one can get clear and flawless skin naturally at home, and without emptying the wallet.

Apart from these effective home remedies, we have also listed 10 tips you can add to your daily lifestyle. These will aid in achieving your dream skin and maintaining it for many years to come.

Simple Tips for Flawless Skin

1. Eat Healthy

You’ve heard it a million times before, so there must be some truth to it, don’t you think? The lesser fried and processed foods you eat, the lesser your skin has to work to keep it oil-free and healthy. It’s up to you now.

2. Cleanse Well

At the risk of sounding like an overrun fairness cream commercial, dirt, grime, and pollution can indeed leave your skin looking dull and lifeless. Your skin needs a rigorous cleansing regime with the right products to ensure that it remains clean and supple.

3. Exfoliate Like A Boss

Apart from daily cleansing, your skin needs to rid itself of all the constantly accumulating dead skin, dirt, and grime that simple cleansing cannot get rid of. Hence, exfoliating with a good scrub (we suggest walnut or apricot) at least once every two days is absolutely necessary.

4. Pamper Your Skin

The best way to show your skin some love is by pampering it as much as you can. Apart from following a regular skin care regime, regular clean-ups, massages, and such treatments will help increase blood circulation and refresh your skin.

5. Drink To Your Heart’s Content

Fluids are the elixir of our body systems. Whether it’s just water or juices from a bunch of fresh fruits, drink as much as you can and as much as you want to. Hydration is the key for well-nourished, soft, and glowing skin.

6. Hide From The Sun

There’s no real point in helping your skin so much from the inside if you’re not going to proactively help it from the outside as well. Cover yourself when you’re out in the afternoon sun. If you need to soak up the sun, do it early in the morning, when the harmful UV rays aren’t out yet.

7. Clean Your Hair

Sometimes, bumps, acne, and other skin problems can be caused due to dandruff from the hair coming into contact with the skin. So, wash your hair with a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo to take that extra step towards healthy skin.

8. Go Natural

This is another piece of advice you’ve probably heard so many times that you doubt its authenticity. Well, don’t. Natural skin care products are definitely safer than chemical ones for the simple reason that the chances of side effects with them are drastically low as compared to the synthetic ones. They can be considered as the best beauty tips for flawless skin.

9. Use Skin Care Products Judiciously

Just because you’re using natural products does not mean you go overboard. Give your skin a breather once in a while. Ditch that all-natural mineral makeup and go natural. Your skin will thank you — that’s a guarantee.

10. Get Proper Sleep

While sleeping, your body goes into repair mode and rejuvenates the skin cells. Lack of sleep immediately shows on your skin in the form of dark circles, saggy skin, and dull complexion. A proper eight hours of sleep is necessary to have beautiful and healthy skin. Develop a regular bedtime schedule to look your best. Make sure you sleep with your hair tied back as the residue of the hair oils can clog the skin pores and can lead to blackheads and dull skin.

11.Don’t Stress So Much

You can do all of the above, and still be fretting over why your skin isn’t as flawless as all those ads, and this post said it would be. Do you know why? It’s because you’re stressing over the fact that it isn’t. Stress causes excess oil secretion, which in turn, causes your skin to absorb more dirt and that, in turn, leads to skin problems. You do the math now.

Remember, the most beautiful part of you is not what you look like, but what you are within. Inner radiance is what reflects on the outside, so as long as you’re happy on the inside, nothing can stop your skin from flaunting it.

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